
This About-page has been written to briefly explain what this site is about and why you might wish to consider being a part of it, by registering.


My name is Tamer Temel. 

I'm a student studying Master of Science Degree in Robotics at the University of Bristol (and UWE). I am loving the course and so far that includes the core units that I probably wouldn't have chosen if they were optional units.

#MScRobotics is an independent robotics network geared to serve as a concentrated knowledge-base for students and those studying or interested in advanced Robotics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

The network has been built around the ELGG open source social networking stack and customised to serve as a robust and scale-able platform for the classification and management of data in an intuitive way. 

I expect the present server setup to be good enough to support up to 300 simultaneous connections and I'm looking forward to gauging it's performance as more members come on board. 

By design, the site is an augmentation of ELGG with a cloned structure of the MSc Robotics course - as defined by the University Of Bristol. Each compulsory and optional course unit have been organised into a Group class. Blogs, bookmarks, files, announcements, calendar of events and lectures are already setup for use by all members. Links to all important web sites students need are integrated into the navigation menus. This means everything is in one place and it all works like a dream even on a smartphone but even more effectively on a large screen, keyboard and mouse.

So far, it should be becoming clear that what I have done is to merely fuse together a social networking platform with a good picture of the course I am studying, on a server up in the clouds. The end result is very powerful indeed and I highly recommend you claim 1 of initially 300 virtual desk spaces available and use it to get yourself organised. 

Kind Regards,
